Write For Us

write for us bubblybarks.com

Can you suggest Dog Essentials? How could you help others in handling dogs? You can suggest some tips by writing the Write for Us Dog for the Bubblybarks Reviews. This will help the contributors to get a proper knowledge of the diseases and feeding items of the dogs. In this post, we will help you to know the guidelines on which our website works. You need to learn those guidelines and then write up the content. Kindly read this post.

Brief of the bubblybarks.com! 

The Bubblybarks store is an online site that has been working on diverse fields related to dogs and trying to gather all possible details. The news is mostly based on the trending topics that are getting the limelight on social media sites. The Write for Us + Dog helps online readers to get some ideas regarding Dog grooming, diseases of dogs, and dog insurance plans. The contributors try to gather the details on the Dog ideas. Besides focusing on this Dog topic, people can also read about the topics that are difficult to understand. Some online sites make it difficult to understand the topic, but our website prepares the content in an easy and understandable language. After reading our site blogs, people can aware of various categories of dogs, what are the best plans for handling the pet dog, and all the diverse topics that are trending related to dogs.

The Directions For Writing The Dog Write for Us! 

The online sites may be working on diverse fields, but they may be working on certain criteria. The criteria on which they work have to be followed by their entire team. the contributors must follow these guidelines so that they can write the content properly based on our rules. Kindly go through the facts here. 

  • The Grammarly tool can be used to rectify mistakes like spelling or grammar mistakes. The score should be more than 98% based on the grammar score.
  • The plagiarism factor should not be there. The count of plagiarism must be zero in the “Write for Us” + Dog and the Copyscape tool can be used to identify the plagiarism count.
  • The Artificial Intelligence services should be avoided. You should not use such services as such contents are not accepted. 
  • The internal links and the catchphrase used in the guest post should be given a blue color. Moreover, the external link should be green in color.
  • The contributors should prepare a write-up of at least 500-1000 words. 
  • The images can also be inserted in the article so that it may look impressive and the readers will engage more.
  • The keywords used in the content should be placed after 90-110 words.
  • The  Dog + “Write for Us” should have a description of characters between 97-160 characters. 
  • The introduction of the guest post as well as the conclusion should be 160 words altogether. These sections should have fewer words and more details.
  • The spam rate on the external link should lie between 2-3 percent. Kindly keep the spam rate minimum. 
  • The external links need to be placed after 70-80 percent of the content. 
  • The count of readability in the guest post should be between 90 to 100 percent. 
  • The contributors must use SEO-friendly titles. 
  • The contributors cannot share the same content with any other editor except for us.

Titles For The Dog “Write for Us”

  • Famous Varieties of Dogs
  • Which sites are apt for Dog essentials? 
  • Sale food Items for Dog! 
  • Online Shopping Sites For Buying Dog Stuff! 
  • Local Markets for Dog Items! 
  • Prevention and Cure for Dog-Related Problems 

All the topics discussed above are given for the reference of the contributors. They can choose any of the given topics and prepare the content. If the contributors want to choose any topic based on their research and interest, they are free to choose the topics.

Advantages of working with Bubblybarks Reviews! 

The writers who are looking ahead to write the Write for Us Dog will have many benefits as the team of Bubblybarks Reviews is always there to help the freshers. They share their knowledge with the new contributors who may face difficulties. Moreover, the contributors also get mass exposure with us as many viewers from different parts of the world visit and read your content. Also, they get the chance to work with a site having high SERP rank and all the subjects are SEO friendly.

Ways to become a contributor! 

The contributors need not be specialized persons in content writing. They can write the content for us on the Write for Us Dog even if they are pursuing some other occupation. They have to be well aware of the rules of our website and secondly, they should be capable of writing the content in English. These are the basic requirements for writing the content for our website. 

Method of sharing the content! 

The contributors should share the content at the e-mail ID(katherineseoagency@gmail.com).

The reviewing team will take one day to check or review the content. We properly read the content and check if all the guidelines have been followed. Then, we respond to the contributors. 


Summing up this research on the Write for Us Dog, we have made the contributors well aware of the technique of writing the guest article on Dog (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds) and you can also check the guidelines of our website in this post.

Would you mind sharing your views on this opportunity? Please let us know in the comment section below.