Privacy Policy

Here we heartily welcome you to our website! All we know, the protection of the customer’s privacy is very essential in the online market and we adhere to it. We are explaining all your concerns in deep here like which information we are collecting, how we are utilizing that information and what can you do with your details. While visiting our website, you comply with our terms and policies.

Essential Details We Acquire

Personal Information

By complying with this privacy policy, you agree to share your full name, dob, email ID, address, and complete contact information while subscribing, commenting, or filling Contact Us form to reach us.

Non-Personal Information

We also gather some other information for the better improvement of our website and also improving your experiences. The details we gather are URLs, IP addresses, browser information, hardware details like operating system information, etc.

How We Utilize Gathered Essential Details

For Improving User Experience

We use the browsing details and user information to know the user’s mind and apply those to improve our website’s functionality and user experience.

To Inform You with Our Updates Via Emails

If you share your email id and subscribe to our website, we are utilizing your email address to share new promotions and other updates. If you do not want these details, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Respond Back to Your Inquiries

We are using your shared contact details to inform you of your queries, and comments.

Website Cookies and Analytics

Website Cookies

We use website cookies for a better user experience. Cookies are the stored data on your device’s storage that can tell us about your preferences, and last visited page and we use that to restore our website page for you so that you do need not to provide your preferences again and again. If you want, you can use browser settings to disable it, but by doing this, we will need to share some information again and again in some of our features.

Google Analytics

We use this technology for collecting and checking the traffic on our website. This technology also uses cookies to decide the analytics. This stored information is not used for finding your details. If you still want, you can check Google Analytics’s policies in detail.

Where Can We Share The Information

Third-Party Service Providers

We only share the essential details with the third-party service providers if they are serving our users or helping in operating the website. We ensure that they are using the data only for the specific purpose we mentioned and protect the shared data too.

Legal Purpose

If any law authority or any public authority asks or requests any information for legal purposes, in that case, we can share your data with them.

Your Rights

Read and Update Your Data

It is your Right to verify and if required, update your data from time to time. For this purpose, if you want any help, you can contact us at

Email Unsubscription

At any time, you can choose the option of stopping receiving our marketing emails by just unsubscribing using the instructions you got in those emails. You also have the right to directly contact us for this request.

Security Concerns

We are following all possible measures for securing your data from authorized means. In addition to that, we just want to mention that there is no 100% secure data storage that can fully assure data protectivity, therefore we also cannot ensure or guarantee 100% security.

Updation to This Policy

Our privacy policy can change from time to time. To find the changes, we suggest you check this page periodically and we will also notify you of the new updates.

Contact Us

If you want any clarification or any queries on our privacy policy, you can feel free to reach us at